You can ( ) three meals in hospital.
You can turn your head aside if you feel ( ) scard to watch the whol;e process.
I will give you some solution to ( ) your mouth.
You can return work after you get complete ( ).
I don’t have any health insurance, how can I ( ) for one?
Do not move until I finishing ( ) or else the needle will drop put of the vein.
She had her first ( ) last night, it's a q8 hour order.
Health records may include ( ).
It will take you ( ) one month's rest to recover completely.
My grandmother died ( ) car inccident.
Besides the general preparation s for operation, the gastro-intestinal surgeryies also need ( ).
What are things need to be done after the operation?
You should have ( ) food, which means the food has little sodium.
After the patient's information has been ( ),you need to put the information into the medical information system.
Recording information increases the ( ) that the patient will receive consistent and informed care.
What are the solutions normally fo with medicine in it for IV infusion?
The patient must have the ( )for preraring the surgery if he/she is going to undergo appendectomy.
What will a patient have if be allergic to Penicillin?
What are informations the nurse would get from a new patient?
I have been told to fast last night for taking routines tests once I ( ) in the morning.
I'll ( ) the hair around the operating area for you, take it easy!
You have to ( ) the pain for a while until it is not the time to give your next pain shot.
Narrative charting is a method in which nursing interventions and impacts of these interventions on patients' outcomes are recorded in ( ) order covering a specific time and frame.
The medicine will make you urinate more, so you will loose some ( ).
If you remember an important point after you have completed dicumentation, chart the information with a '( )' notation.
Remember come to the Outpatient Department for a consultation ( ) seven days.
I can ( ) hold much longer, please stop the flowing of solution.
You'd better go to the ( ) first as the intravenous infusion takes longer time.
Your passing gas indicates that you have normal ( ).
When you are going to close account, don't forfet to bring your ( ) with you.
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